"A member of Establishment staff appointed to coordinate all Visits and with the status to effect change and be the focus of good practice."
OEAP National Guidance (EVC) "Glossary and Definitions"
Issued November 2018:
Schools should appoint an educational visits coordinator and make sure they have the training they need. The head teacher has this duty if there is no coordinator.
Local authorities or academy trust outdoor education advisers can advise on appointing and training coordinators.
The coordinator works with the local outdoor education adviser to help their colleagues in schools to assess and manage risks.
The coordinator should:
Collective Interpretations (C/Int52 V2)
We believe that if a school, LEA or individual receives copies of risk assessments, qualification or procedural documents, and does not comment on them, it would be reasonable for the provider to assume that the client was accepting of them.
If something was subsequently found to be deficient with them we believe the school or LEA would end up with at least SOME of the responsibility. A court may have to decide how much.
We believe that having access to high quality advice, information and guidance is a key component in helping you provide high quality outdoor learning.
Please do contact us for an informal discussion about how we can help:
0800 699 0848